

He was known to be a man of his word; but for her he had broken all of them.
He was notorious for his indifference to all that occurred around him; but when it came to her, he wanted to be in the thick of it all.
And he was infamous as one whose emotions were guarded more jealously than the prison for the toughest criminals; but when she came before him, his feelings were laid bare before all eyes.

She destroyed all the walls he had built up painstakingly over a long period of time. But at the same time she made him more. More than a machine, solely taking cold, calculated, and logical decisions. More than an emotionless creature simply existing without any sense of pleasure or a purpose higher than professional growth. She made him want more for himself, something more than fame, more than fearful respect, more than a person inspiring awe within all those who laid their eyes on him. She made him more human.

He waited for her to give him an opportunity to try and impress her. He waited for her to notice all the efforts he had put in for her. He waited for her to be conscious of the one face in the crowd that was there only cos her gaze fleeted through that direction.
And he waited. A long time.

He was well known for his tireless patience. Sitting quietly in a corner, waiting for his turn to come up. He tried everything he could think of. He attempted everything he was advised. And he failed. He could have taken being looked at with distrust. He could have taken being turned down. But what he could never take, was being ignored.

She taught him something new as well; to stop waiting.